OBJECTIVE: To discuss all the benefits of trees using beats (rhythm) and rap
GRADE: 3-8
MATERIALS: http://www.arborday.com
Song sheet entitled "Trees for America," words and music by John Denver, Timmy Tappan and Craig Deitschmann and National Arbor Day Foundation worksheet entitled "Rappin' About trees" and "I Would Like to Become a Tree."
PROCEDURES: Learn the words and actions to songs.
PARENT/CHILD EXPERIENCE: Participate in musical experiences with your child.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The following song is provided in English and Spanish by Rosa Virgen Palazuelos Vera:
I would like to become a tree
And have you under my canopy
And with my blooming branches
Provide you shelter
With my dry leaves make a carpet where you
Will come to dream with me.
(Spanish Version)
Yo quiero ser un Arbol
Y darte sombra
Con mis ramas en flor
Hacerte abrigo
Y con mis hojas socas
Una alfombra
Donde te fueras
A sonar conmigo.
EVALUATION: Students learn to appreciate all types of music.
John Denver "Plant a Tree"
Trees for America
Plant a tree for your tomorrow
It's your tree that clears the air
Plant a tree, trees for America
Plant a tree today for all the world to share
Taste the breeze, it's life inside you
Make a promise to the Earth
Plant a tree
Now is the time to recognize
a tree for all that it is worth
Plant a tree your tomorrow
Plant a tree that clears the air
Plant a tree, trees for America
Plant a tree today for all the world to share