OBJECTIVE: To identify layers of tropical rainforest; to locate plants and animals and various layers
GRADE: Primary, intermediate, secondary
MATERIALS: carpet rolls painted brown, old sheets dyed green, green nylon netting, tree leaf patterns, animal patterns, paper mache paste (flour and water), old newspapers, old plastic jugs, fish nets dyed green, wooden parrot cut-outs (cut by high school industrial arts students), felt, plastic ants, green and brown twine, green yarn, construction paper
PROCEDURES: Build a classroom rainforest:
PARENT/CHILD EXPERIENCE: Extra, extra fun with loads of hands-on experiences for kids as they watch over a period of time, just a couple of weeks, how a rainforest complete with plants and animals grows right in their classrooms. At this time, parents are invited into the classroom to "take a hike" through a rainforest with their children as their tour guides!
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Learn the following four layers of a rainforest:
EVALUATION: Children will identify rainforest plants and animals to their parents at the parent program held at the end of the rainforest classroom project. The children will also write a report on the rainforest and the plants and animals which they have learned about. Further, they should describe what the plants and animals are, name the various classifications and physical characteristics of both, what they eat, identify the predators and the prey, and what layers of the rainforest are occupied by each plant and/or animal.