Indicate your response to each question by checking either Yes or No:
1. I would like more of my technology classes to have cultural and environmental awareness activities like we participated in class.
____ Yes ____ No
2. These activities seem to make my technology class more interesting for my students.
____Yes ____ No
3. Learning these activities seem to make understanding math and space science concepts easier for my students.
____ Yes ____ No
4. The duration of the Trees Across America presentation was appropriate.
____ Yes ____ No
5. These "Trees" activities are easily integrated into the curriculum.
____ Yes ____ No
6. The cultural and environmental awareness activities effectively demonstrated concepts and are appropriate for the grade level that I teach. (grade level _____ ).
____ Yes ____ No
7. Having more "Trees" activities in my technology classes may motivate my students to obtain higher grades in my class.
____ Yes ____ No
8. I believe my students learned something new from the Trees Across America activities they participated in today.
____ Yes ____ No
9. The "Trees" activities in which my students participated today presented information not available in the technology textbook.
____ Yes ____ No
10. Having more Trees Across America activities in my technology classes may motivate my students to pursue a career in a technology or science field.
____ Yes ____ No
11. What features of the "Trees" activities are particularly helpful in your teaching activities?
12. What changes, if any, would you like to see made to the "Trees" activities that was presented to your students?
13. In general, what would you like to see each Trees Across America activity have so as to make it more interesting to your students?
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